Mimbar offers 5 different modules to manage different aspects of your organization.
All modules will be available during your trial period for you to explore.
Once the trial period ends, only the jemaah module will be available.
All other modules will be available based on the subscription plan.

Learn about your jemaah, search and filter through your jemaah list. Identify and fulfil their needs or wants, benefitting and nourishing them through our jemaah management system.

Run events for your Jemaah and efficiently manage ticketing. Make your worries of not having enough space for your events go away. Be able to plan and execute events better.

Have spaces for rent? Tracking of your bookings can be much simpler through the facilities booking system. Be able to see, when your facilities are fully booked or when it is time to rent them out.

Infaq (Crowdfunding)
Easily manage and organise crowd funding initiatives or projects through our Infaq management system. Call upon supporters, previous jemaah and members of the public to support your projects and initiatives.

Khidmah (Services)
Be able to create, publicise and manage services to benefit your Jemaah. Be it digital goods to qurban or travel packages. Manage your services, one or many, all within the khidmah management system.